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last: 2007.10.14 @ 15:39 PDT
- - Welcome to the ROS Official Website - -  
Good evening, it's currently 9:40 PM on Monday, October 21, 2024
Irrashaimase! You're visiting the homepage for Modesto's independent anime club, ROS.
We meet every other Saturday, at Krier's Cards and Comics.
Thanks much to Jean and Alex, the store managers, for hosting our club! Where and When?

ROS News Now!

Club/Site Staus:(January 27, 2011) - Retro-reboot complete - The site has been relocated - Stay tuned...

January 27, 2011
"Everything old is new again" -- Or something like that.

First off, hello to the folks from Animeikyou, CSU Stanislaus' campus anime club - Hello out there!

From here, anything is possible - The material is out there - Build it, and they will come... Right? ^_^;

We've been here for over a decade, and we're still here - Yes, believe it or not, anime clubs, either independent, or affiliated with schools and/or colleges/universities, still exist out here. Besides, anime is more fun when watching it with friends.

Michael (Raider3) Thursday, January 27, 2011- 16:01 PST

Please navigate to the left to find information about our club. If you would like further info, you can contact raider3(at) (Address altered to thwart email harvesters. We prefer email from someone with an actual pulse. ^_^;)

Accesses Since October 2007:

Here are a few rules that we politely request you follow:
  • Please be considerate of others who are watching the shows. If you've gotta have a conversation, please have it outside, or towards the back of the store. For the benefit of all attending, see A Few Words On Proper Behavior.
  • Due to the content of some of our programming, members age 15 or under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. No exceptions.
  • Programming for mature audiences (Conforming to Pioneer/Geneon's 16 UP, 18 UP standards, etc.) will be shown only after 10 pm. We've got a good thing going at Krier's, so let's not blow it.
  • We aren't responsible for offending anyone with anime content if that should happen. It's a free country and you have the right to choose whether you stay or leave if you are unhappy with what we are showing ;} If you dont like what we are showing, please don't complain obnoxiously like “this sucks!” and various other derogatory comments about the anime. Some people do like what we are showing, and would like to enjoy the show. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but please, be tactful about how you express them. Thanks! ^_^;

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